What is Waste Heat?
Waste heat is an untapped, sustainable resource that goes largely underutilized today. Simply, it is the excess heat produced most commonly in power generation and industrial processes. According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat must be produced when converting a temperature difference into mechanical energy.
What does this mean? This means waste heat is inevitable. In fact, almost all industrial processes and heat engines see over 50% of the input energy lost as waste heat. This heat is often vented to the atmosphere or dumped into bodies of water. During a time where global demand for energy is exploding, this is not only an immense waste of resources but is also a significant contributor to global warming.
Fun Fact – If harnessed, the waste heat from industrial processes in the United States can provide 10 gigawatts of emission-free electricity, enough to power over 10 million American homes and save U.S. industries over $3,000,000,000 annually. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, capturing this heat could generate as many as 160,000 jobs. Plus, since most power generation and industrial processes operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – the integration of heat recovery technology can provide a reliable baseload power supply. Waste heat to power systems allow companies to increase efficiency while generating their own emission-free electricity – which can be used to reduce operating costs or sold back to the grid to act as an additional revenue stream.
Another study shows that the United Kingdom could prevent over 10 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually by using the waste heat from their largest power stations to warm homes and infrastructure. The reduction in emissions is equivalent to taking 2,000,000 cars off the road for an entire year!
Next Generation Waste Heat Recovery
Did you know that over 90% of waste heat in the United States is at too low a temperature for traditional turbine systems to economically capture? With recent advancements in ORC technology, small-scale applications can now reap the same benefits previously only seen by mulit-megawatt powerhouses. The ability to capture this lower temperature heat opens opportunities across all industries.
With the implementation of ORC systems such as the ElectraTherm Power+ Generator or 主動冷卻器, your business will benefit from several awesome bonuses such as…
// Reduced engine de-rate, which leads to more up time and revenue.
// Reduced parasitic load, which increases effective horsepower and energy efficiency.
// Reduced energy costs, from generating your own clean electricity with no additional fuel combustion.
// Reduced emissions, from utilizing your waste heat and becoming more self-sufficient.
Fun Fact – Air conditioners and radiators account for approximately 10% of global energy consumption 和 demand is predicted to triple by 2050. In this aspect, a high efficiency cooler such as the ElectraTherm Active Cooler provides an excellent solution for industries making use of commercial radiators to expel heat greater than 60°C. The net-zero power cooler utilizes the latest waste heat recovery technology to fulfill all your system’s cooling needs while generating profitable power.
That is only the beginning. With ElectraTherm, it is simpler than you think.
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關於 ElectraTherm
比澤爾集團的 ElectraTherm 利用有機朗肯循環和專有技術將低溫熱量轉化為清潔能源,提供世界一流的廢熱回收解決方案。 ElectraTherm 簡單有效的解決方案可產生清潔電力、提高效率、降低能源成本並減少排放,且無需額外燃料消耗。
ElectraTherm 的工程優勢加上比澤爾的支援價值,比澤爾是世界上最大的冷凍壓縮機獨立製造商,在全球擁有近3,500 名員工,年平均銷售額接近$1 億,這使得ElectraTherm 團隊能夠全身心投入市場上廢熱回收技術的進步。
ElectraTherm 的 Power+ 發電機是一種熱電發電機,可將廢熱轉化為清潔電能和可用的熱能,同時抵消冷卻負荷。主動冷卻器充當發電機的冷卻器,使用相同的循環在發電的同時提供自供電冷卻。 ElectraTherm 的兩種解決方案均可在提供基載電力/冷卻供應的同時減少排放和能源成本。利用廢熱不僅有利可圖,而且實用。讓企業在實現永續發展目標的同時受益於更循環的經濟。
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