Across the globe, engines see extensive use at landfills for their ability to make the most of waste and generate renewable power from available biogas. These engines typically run continuously, generating a considerable amount of heat. This heat is not only a waste of energy but a huge burden, stealing valuable power away from the engine for cooling.
In addition to the parasitic cooling load, engines typically lose around half of their energy in power generation as waste heat. Waste heat and the cooling load reduce efficiency and eat into profits. Plus, if the cooling is insufficient, an engine may face ongoing maintenance and derate issues – further eating away at revenue.
Enter the ElectraTherm Active Cooler, a net-zero cooling to power solution that generates additional electricity for profit from nothing more than the heat available. Utilizing the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) along with proprietary technologies, the Active Cooler can provide 100% full load cooling, independent of power generation.
The ORC process used to convert waste heat into electricity has a significant cooling effect on the engine, reducing the jacket water cooling load 70-100%. Thanks to this, the highly efficient dry cooler integrated into the Active Cooler can cool both ElectraTherm’s system and yours – offsetting the parasitic cooling load while generating up to 75 kW (gross) of electricity. By upcycling heat into electricity at a landfill, you increase power output.
An engine’s parasitic cooling load typically steals anywhere from 5 to 35 kW on an engine whilst in operation. If a 1 MW genset experiences an average parasitic cooling load of 20 kW, that amounts to a loss of efficiency of 2%. If an Active Cooler were installed and displaced the cooling load while generating an average of 30 kW, the newly available electricity would be 50 kW. The result is an efficiency increase of 5%.*
The Active Cooler’s ability to utilize heat for cooling and additional power generation makes it the only cooler of its kind in the world. Thanks to a simple design, integration into existing systems is easy. As long as processes generate heat, they will always require cooling. The Active Cooler is not only a solution for now but a solution for the future.
*These numbers are conservative and purely speculative. They are not meant to be applied to project economics. Engines may produce more power, therefore producing more heat. Along with this, radiators consume varying amounts of power and may run more or less frequently than stated in the example above. The amount of electricity generated by the Active Cooler depends on the heat available, the cooling load, and other variables. To evaluate a specific project’s economics and return on investment, please reach out to a member of our team 여기.
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일렉트라썸 소개
일렉트라썸은 저온 열을 청정 전력으로 변환하는 독점 기술과 함께 유기 랭킨 사이클을 활용하여 세계 최고 수준의 폐열 회수 솔루션을 제공합니다. 일렉트라썸의 간단하고 효과적인 솔루션은 추가 연료 소비 없이 청정 전기를 생산하고 효율성을 높이며 에너지 비용을 절감하고 배기가스 배출을 줄입니다.
전 세계 약 3,500명의 직원과 연평균 매출 1조 4,000억 달러에 달하는 세계 최대의 독립 냉동 컴프레서 제조업체인 BITZER의 지원을 받는다는 가치와 ElectraTherm의 엔지니어링이 결합되어 ElectraTherm 팀은 시장에서 폐열 회수 기술을 발전시키는 데 모든 에너지를 집중할 수 있게 되었습니다.
ElectraTherm’s Power+ 발전기 is a heat to power generator, converting waste heat into clean electricity and usable thermal while offsetting the cooling load. The 액티브 쿨러 acts as a cooling to power generator, using the same cycle to provide self-powered cooling while generating electricity. Both of ElectraTherm’s solutions reduce emissions and energy costs while providing a baseload power / cooling supply. Taking advantage of waste heat is not only profitable, but practical. Allowing companies to benefit from a more circular economy while achieving sustainability goals.
To learn more about ElectraTherm, 여기를 클릭하세요.