All engines produce heat. All radiators consume power. Only the Active Cooler removes heat while generating power – and it does it all with no additional costs. Through the continued development of the Power+ Generator, our heat to power solution – the Active Cooler, our cooling to power solution, was born.
The purpose behind this development was to provide a net-zero cooling solution that generates power during times when the cooling function is not fully utilized, hence cooling to power. The result is a highly efficient Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) cooling system that takes advantage of an existing resource, heat, to allow your company to benefit from a more circular economy and achieve sustainability goals.
Historically, radiators are fully utilized during the summer and underutilized during the winter – providing little to no benefit. With the Active Cooler, maximum capital utilization can still be achieved year-round with varying operating conditions such as ambient temperature differentials. Our net-zero cooling solution completely eliminates power usage from the cooling process during the summer as well as generates extra power and income during times of underutilized capacity such as the winter.
The ElectraTherm Active Cooler is a perfect fit for any business that implements commercial radiators to expel large amounts of excess heat. Most of the time you would be surprised by the amount of usable thermal is available on site – landfills, waste water treatment plants, hospitals, biogas, plastics, steel – all of these industries produce large amounts of heat and need cooling. Let us be your solution.
Designed to be both simple and flexible, standard interface connections allow the Active Cooler to be easily integrated into your existing system. Available in 800 kWth (AC800) and 1800 kWth (AC1800) sizes, the Active Cooler is scalable to multiple megawatt heat loads. Now with a skid option, the Active Cooler comes as a conveniently packaged system that makes transportation and installation easy.
All radiators need to replaced eventually. Let us be your solution.
By upgrading to the ElectraTherm Active Cooler you benefit from a net-zero power radiator that pays for itself, increases efficiency, and generates emission-free electricity. With a 20-year design life and a payback period of 3 – 5 years, which only gets better if you are already looking to replace your radiator, the economics amount to an attractive ROI.
Issues With Standard Cooling Units:
- Insufficient cooling during the warmer months leads to reduced performance.
- Faulty coolers can lead to costly engine repairs and maintenance.
- Over time, radiators wear down and suffer from reduced efficiency.
- Radiators cost you money year after year.
Benefits of the Active Cooler:
- Achieve net-zero power cooling while generating emission-free power.
- Reduces parasitic cooling load, increasing efficiency.
- Robust, 20-year design life provides attractive ROI.
- Standard water and power connections with multiple cooling circuits allows for easy integration.
- Reduces or eliminates engine derate at high ambient conditions up to 40°C.
- Pays for itself by slashing energy costs and actively making profitable power.
For more information, please visit the product page or email us at:
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일렉트라썸은 저온 열을 청정 전력으로 변환하는 독점 기술과 함께 유기 랭킨 사이클을 활용하여 세계 최고 수준의 폐열 회수 솔루션을 제공합니다. 일렉트라썸의 간단하고 효과적인 솔루션은 추가 연료 소비 없이 청정 전기를 생산하고 효율성을 높이며 에너지 비용을 절감하고 배기가스 배출을 줄입니다.
전 세계 약 3,500명의 직원과 연평균 매출 1조 4,000억 달러에 달하는 세계 최대의 독립 냉동 컴프레서 제조업체인 BITZER의 지원을 받는다는 가치와 ElectraTherm의 엔지니어링이 결합되어 ElectraTherm 팀은 시장에서 폐열 회수 기술을 발전시키는 데 모든 에너지를 집중할 수 있게 되었습니다.
일렉트라썸의 Power+ 발전기는 폐열을 깨끗한 전기와 사용 가능한 열로 변환하는 동시에 냉각 부하를 상쇄하는 열병합 발전기입니다. 액티브 쿨러는 동일한 사이클을 사용하여 전기를 생성하면서 자체 동력 냉각을 제공하는 냉각-발전기 역할을 합니다. 일렉트라썸의 두 솔루션은 모두 기본 부하 전력/냉각 공급을 제공하면서 배출량과 에너지 비용을 줄입니다. 폐열을 활용하는 것은 수익성이 높을 뿐만 아니라 실용적입니다. 기업은 지속 가능성 목표를 달성하면서 순환 경제의 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다.
ElectraTherm에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 다음을 클릭하세요. 여기.