मीथेन अनुकूलन
Wastewater Treatment // Biogas // Landfill Gases
Use Excess Gas to Fuel a Boiler
While all plants may not flare gas, a great many do frequently – which has become a growing concern in regard to methane emissions. Some operators have opted to burn this excess gas in boilers to maintain pressure and provide thermal energy. While this is an adequate solution, those who cannot make use of the heat are simply wasting energy. By integrating an ElectraTherm ORC with a biogas boiler, plant operators can generate clean electricity and eliminate their flare. The process is simple.
// Excess gas is routed to the boiler which heats water for the ORC.
// The water is then routed through the ORC, which is a closed-loop system, and generates electricity.
// By using excess gas to fuel a boiler, the flare is eliminated.
// By routing more gas to the boiler, water production can be increased and ORC output maximized.
Convert Engine Waste Heat Into Clean Electricity
The most straightforward approach to ORC power generation is to utilize engine waste heat, either from the cooling circuit (jacket water) or exhaust gas. By adding ORC power generation to an engine you will generate clean electricity while reducing the cooling load 70-100%. This leads to increases in efficiency as much as 10%, significantly reducing fuel consumption and emissions.
Project Economics
Traditional methods for biogas power generation require infrastructure that is both expensive and extensive, leaving a large footprint. The most common route plant operators take is the installation of biogas cleanup and storage along with an engine genset. The cost of this equipment can easily be well over $1 million USD. Additionally, engines running off biogas routinely face issues with siloxane buildup. This requires expensive maintenance leading to downtime or even a complete engine replacement.
Another approach is to simply integrate an ORC with an existing boiler. Not only is this solution only a quarter of the cost but it also requires very little infrastructure. In regard to siloxane, boilers are much less susceptible to extensive damage and many are designed to be cleaned easily and quickly – minimizing downtime. Incorporating ElectraTherm’s autonomous ORC power generation technology with remote monitoring allows operators to generate electricity without negatively affecting existing processes.
Significant Emission Reductions
Carbon monoxide decreased by 98%
Nitrogen oxide decreased by 48%
VOCs decreased by 93%
Watch a video on how it works by clicking यहाँ.
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