What is ESG? Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) refers to a company’s set of standards in relation to sustainability, human and social capital, leadership, and compliance. These factors play an increasingly large role in business decisions as shareholders are becoming more concerned with how an organization’s (primarily) eco-social practices will...
Petróleo y gas
El potencial de la eliminación de antorchas de ORC
The Reality of Flaring. The flaring of methane is commonplace at many landfills, biogas and wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), and oil and gas well sites across the globe. Industries routinely flare to dispose of unwanted gases and to prevent pressure build up. Not only are these flares a waste of...
Co-Produced Fluids, How Geothermal Could Benefit Oil and Gas
There is a growing uneasiness in the oil and gas industry. With the world eyeing ways to shift away from fossil fuels, an uncertain future is on the horizon for well operators. Attention is on what can turn profits now and how operations can take advantage of this new era...