Application: Engine Waste Heat Recovery
Power Output: 90 kWe (3 units)
ElectraTherm, in collaboration with Electric Power Systems, Inc. y Engineered Solutions Group, Inc., commissioned a $2.35 million dollar upgrade to the City of Unalaska’s (AK) power plant. The project objective was to increase the efficiency of Dutch Harbor’s aging power plant in the remote Aleutian islands of Alaska. Here, in the remote Aleutian islands of Alaska where costs of power are some of the highest in North America, improving fuel efficiency and adopting clean energy technologies are crucial for maintaining a reliable supply of power.
The upgrade consisted of the installation of three Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) units, Power+ Generators, designed for low temperature engine waste heat recovery. ElectraTherm’s waste heat recovery system uses the available thermal energy supplied from the jacket water of a single CAT C280-16 and two Wartsila W12V32 engines to generate approximately 90 kWe for the site.
Based on the data collected over a one-year period following project completion, the city realized an average daily payback of 2,100 kWh. This equates to an estimated 45,000 to 50,000 gallons of fuel saved yearly – amounting to annual savings of $250,000.
During the first 15,000 hours, ElectraTherm’s engine waste heat recovery system realized 98% operational availability – an indicator of ElectraTherm’s commitment to reliable ORC systems. Data logs indicate that the ORC system increased overall energy efficiency up to 8%.
Additionally, by utilizing the thermal energy (waste heat) in the engines’ jacket water with an ORC, the cooling load substantially reduced – further improving return on investment and energy efficiency.
This installation is one of ElectraTherm’s first ORC engine waste heat recovery applications on prime power diesel gensets. ElectraTherm more recently commissioned an engine waste heat recovery system with integration partner, B:Power, at Nanpohnmal Power Plant, Pohnpei Micronesia.
At the site, hot water enters the ORC system where it heats a working fluid into pressurized vapor. As the vapor expands, it drives ElectraTherm’s patented twin screw power block, which spins an electric generator and produces power. All three ORC generators utilize one cooling loop, sea water with an inlet temperature of 45°F.
“I left ElectraTherm [training] with a 100% satisfaction in the product that we have received and the support that comes along with the purchase. ElectraTherm is taking a business approach that tends to have been forgotten today: quality and service first. ElectraTherm’s upfront approach, product quality, customer service and attention to detail far exceed any industry standard.”
-Matthew Scott, Electrical Engineering Technician for City of Unalaska
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Acerca de ElectraTherm
ElectraTherm by BITZER Group proporciona soluciones de recuperación de calor residual de primera clase utilizando el Ciclo Rankine Orgánico junto con tecnologías propias para convertir el calor de baja temperatura en energía limpia. Las soluciones sencillas y eficaces de ElectraTherm generan electricidad limpia, aumentan la eficiencia, reducen los costes energéticos y disminuyen las emisiones, sin consumo adicional de combustible. Con más de 100 unidades ORC suministradas a más de 13 países y más de 2.000.000 de horas de funcionamiento, ElectraTherm es líder mundial en recuperación de calor residual a pequeña escala.
La ventaja combinada de la ingeniería de ElectraTherm junto con el valor de contar con el apoyo de BITZER, el mayor fabricante independiente de compresores de refrigeración del mundo que cuenta con cerca de 3.500 empleados en todo el mundo y unas ventas medias anuales que se aproximan a los $1.000 millones, permite al equipo de ElectraTherm continuar desarrollando una tecnología ORC líder en la industria que es buena tanto para los negocios como para el planeta.
ElectraTherm Generador Power es una solución de conversión del calor residual en electricidad limpia y energía térmica utilizable. El sitio Enfriador activo sirve como solución de refrigeración neta cero a energía, utilizando el mismo proceso ORC para proporcionar refrigeración autoalimentada a la vez que genera electricidad. Ambas soluciones de ElectraTherm reducen las emisiones y los costes energéticos a la vez que proporcionan un suministro básico de electricidad/refrigeración. Aprovechar el calor residual no sólo es rentable, sino práctico. Permite a las empresas beneficiarse de una economía más circular al tiempo que alcanzan objetivos de sostenibilidad.