Geothermal Brine Heat Recovery in Romania

Application: Geothermal Heat Recovery
Power Output : 50 kWe
Thermal Input: 700 kWth
Hot Water Inlet Temperature: 105°C
Hot Water Flow Rate: 10 l/s

The Power+ Generator was commissioned at a geothermal well in Romania. The machine produces 50kW (gross) of electricity from the geothermal hot water (216°F/102°C) without any fuel or emissions. To further increase the application’s efficiency, once geothermal water has passed through the heat exchangers to pressurize the Power+ working fluid, it continues on to heat nearby residential buildings in the winter.

ElectraTherm’s Power+ utilizes organic Rankine cycle (ORC) technology to generate electricity from low temperatures unattainable by other technologies. First, hot water enters the Power+ to boil a working fluid into a vapor. The high pressure vapor expands through ElectraTherm’s patented twin screw power block, spinning an electric generator. After turning the twin screw expander, the vapor is then condensed back into a liquid through the use of an external air cooled condenser. Following condensing, the working fluid flows back to the evaporator as a liquid to repeat the process.

“The Power+ Machine captures geothermal heat to generate power at temperatures and flows most ORC technologies cannot attain,” said Mike Olari, President of Energy Power Holdings, ElectraTherm’s eastern European distributor. “The robustness of the machine and the ease of installation make this application easily repeatable for the vast low-temperature geothermal resources available in Romania and Hungary.”

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