Biochar Production (Pyrolysis)
& Profit from Carbon Credits

Biochar Production via Pyrolysis or Gasification

Biochar can be created from a range of agricultural feedstocks such as wood, nuts, shells, litters, manures, straw and stalks all can contribute to this process. The result is a usable, marketable product that is growing in demand across the world.

Biochar production through either pyrolysis or gasification are two of the simplest, most measurable and cost-effective methods of carbon capture and storage (CCS) available today. Biochar production generates a massive amount of heat, between 350 to 900° C, which is often lost to the environment if not reused within the process. Capturing and using that heat adds value to your operation when reused or converted to usable electricity.  Operating costs can be normalized and predictable.  The cost of energy used in operations can be reduced,flattened and predictable over time since the energy is only related to the amount of heat and not dependent upon grid utility prices.  Lastly, generating onsite carbon-free electricity may increase the quality and quantity of Carbon Removal Credits  ( CDR ) / carbon credits.

Generating Electricity from the Biochar Process

The heat which is lost to the air can be captured and harnessed to create electricity. That electricity can go right back into your operation to reduce operating costs, or put to use in other ways. By capturing this otherwise vented heat, biochar producers can get more value from their existing biochar process and feedstock. ElectraTherm’s units provide a very simple option to capture and harness biochar heat, and then convert that energy to 75-250 kW of power per unit. Once the electricity is generated, it can be used easily in any application across your enterprise. 

Our 전원 모듈75  produces fuel-free, emission-free power from various low-grade waste heat sources using the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) and the company’s patented BITZER semi-hermetic twin screw expander/generator combination. Our Power+ Generator, our heat to power solution, is designed to generate clean electricity from sources of low temperature heat. The Power+ 발전기 also doubles as a combined heat and power (CHP) unit, generating up to 85°C of usable thermal in addition to electricity. 

This application of creating electricity from the biochar waste heat is efficient and capitalizes on the basic principle of reducing waste. It is best suited for stationary applications where the biochar processing takes place in a fixed-location facility.

Biochar pyrolysis infographic

Generating Carbon Credits from the Biochar Process

Organic feedstock sources such as wood, nuts, shells, litters, manures, straw and stalks are high in carbon — in the range of 60-80%. Because they are renewable resources and relatively fast growing, they are good solutions for carbon capture – an increasing business opportunity for both farmers and biochar producers.

Biochar as a product is an industrial-scale, commercial solution that allows carbon sequestration. Because the raw materials (e.g. straw, grasses, nut shells, manures, etc) are well understood and in high-volume production, the value of biochar carbon credits tends to be fairly attractive. This economic cycle is robust enough that it is not difficult to find brokers that specialize in selling carbon credits from biochar.

One benefit of carbon removal via biochar is that it is permanent. Once the carbon is captured by the plant and processed into biochar, it is extremely stable and durable. It has myriad uses in both developed and developing economies.

The criteria for receiving carbon credits from biochar generally include:

  1. Using sustainable biomass
  2. Biochar pyrolysis equipment
  3. Market to sell the biochar
  4. Registration with a carbon credit governing body, or a certified professional that can manage the process for you

Ecocart has an overview of the carbon credits market and process.

carbon credits from biochar

The Market for Biochar Carbon Credits

According to a report from investment advisors MSCI, “Demand for biochar carbon credits has doubled each of the last two years, with prices trading consistently over USD 100/metric tonnes (mt) of carbon dioxide equivalent. The latest modeling by MSCI Carbon Markets suggests demand for this project type could grow 20-fold over the next 10 years.”

Biochar is treated in the marketplace as a carbon removal technology, often called carbon capture and storage, or CCS. As the markets for CCS continue to grow due to government mandates, the economics of the market for biochar carbon credits naturally will grow along with it. The use for biochar itself as a product has sufficient benefit to stand on its own. When you add in the fact that carbon credits are available for biochar producers, the business model becomes even more attractive.

Per MSCI, the price for biochar carbon credits has been in the range of $100-200 USD. As with other markets, the price will vary. One helpful aspect of biochar is that it can be produced from a wide range of feedstocks. As a producer, accessing lower cost feedstock is another variable at your disposal to meet your financial and production goals.

The Market for Biochar as a Product

According to Fortune Business Insights, the global biochar market was $763 million in 2024, and is projected to grow to $2.1 billion by 2032. Renewable energy mandates target biochar as a scalable market for carbon capture and downstream revenue. Biochar can be used on its own or as ingredients in landscaping products.

Biochar as a product has a wide range of applications already built into the developed and developing economy.

  • Soil health: agriculture, garden, landscaping, turf, trees, horticulture, composting
  • Environmental: environmental remediation, erosion control, wetlands, odor reduction
  • Water: storm water filtration, water treatment, functionalized chars, 3D aerogels
  • Forestry: wildfire fuel reduction, reforestation, growing media, revegetation
  • Carbon: carbon sequestration, carbon credits, renewable energy offsets

[source: US Biochar Initiative]

모든 바이오 숯 열분해 시스템에는 고온 작동(종종 700도 이상)이 내재되어 있어 폐열 회수 발전에 이상적입니다. 이는 해당 공급 원료가 쌀겨, 사탕수수 섬유(사탕수수라고도 함) 또는 견과류 껍질과 같은 농업용 바이오매스이든, 목재, 벌목, 목재 또는 나무 서비스 "슬래시"와 같은 기타 바이오매스이든, 가금류 쓰레기 또는 돼지 및 소고기 폐사와 같은 대규모 동물 부지와 관련된 바이오고형물이든 상관없습니다.

Adding waste heat recovery power generation
to a pyrolysis application provides multiple benefits

탄소 배출권 가치

오늘날 거의 모든 바이오 숯 사업자는 자발적 탄소 시장(VCM)을 통해 탄소 제거와 관련된 재정적 기회, 즉 CDR 크레딧을 활용하려고 합니다. 폐열 회수를 통한 에너지 생산은 상품의 탄소 집약도 감소를 통해 바이오 숯 제품의 가치를 높일 수 있는 기회입니다.

규정 준수

폐열 발전은 탄소 배출세를 줄이는 데 도움이 되며, EU 탄소 제거 프레임워크(ECRF)와 같은 향후 규정 준수 요건을 충족하는 데도 유리한 위치에 있습니다.

첨단 열 활용

가장 공신력 있는 탄소배출권 인증 기관 중 다수는 "첨단 기술" 열 운영으로 인정받기 위해 폐열 활용을 권장하거나 요구합니다. ORC 발전을 이용한 폐열 발전은 사업장의 전력 수요를 충족하는 동시에 배출 발자국을 줄임으로써 이러한 요구를 충족합니다.

운영 비용 절감

열분해 작동 중 탄소 기반 전원(예: 도시 전력망의 전기)의 필요성을 줄이거나 거의 없애고 이를 무공해 발전으로 대체함으로써 전체 시스템 운영 비용을 절감할 수 있습니다.

바이오 숯 가치 증가

가장 탄소 친화적인 방식으로 제조된 바이오 숯은 고부가가치 '오프 테이커'들이 가장 친환경적인 인증을 받은 공급업체로부터 바이오 숯을 공급받으려 하기 때문에 오픈 마켓에서 더욱 매력적일 것입니다. 따라서 폐열 발전을 통합한 열분해 시스템에서 생산된 바이오숯의 수요가 증가할 것입니다.

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